2007.07.22 Sunday
ピーチのタイ(10) 巨大ナマズ
ピラルク(ピーチのブラジル(4))よりもでっかいの。 We hear that there is big fresh-water fishs at Amazon river and Orinoco river, for example a pirarucu 4.5m, 200kg at the biggest record. A scale of pirarucu is as big as a tablespoon, then we can use a scale for a shoe horn. Asahi newspaper said Thai fishemen netted a catfish as big as a grizzly bear at north area of Mekong river in Thailand. It was a huge Mekong giant catfish, 293kg. After all, Thai fishemen ate this huge catfish. ピーチのタイ(3)で説明した、ナマズ料理ね。 何人分できたのかしら? Shopping_Mall |